Public Housing

Public Housing, or Asset Management, was established to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.   Asset Management comes in all sizes and types, from scattered single family houses to apartments for elderly families. The Asset Management portfolio of properties are owned and managed by CMHA. It is the responsibility of CMHA to maintain the properties, screen residents for eligibility and conduct lease enforcement.  Clermont Metropolitan Housing Authority owns and manages a mix of family and elderly units throughout Clermont County. Eligible families are matched with properties according to occupancy standards set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. A percentage of these units are handicapped accessible.

Where are the Public Housing units currently located within Clermont County?

Community # on Map Address City Units Housing Stock
Monroe Woods 1 2173 E Ohio Pike Amelia 25 Family & Disabled Units
Williamsburg Woods 2 2911 Batavia Williamsburg Pike Batavia 27 Family & Disabled Units
Bethel Woods 3 610 Easter Rd Bethel 81 Senior & Disabled Units
Llewellyn Court 4 519 Coffee St Felicity 8 Family Units
Scattered Sites* NA Various Various 34 Single-Family Units

*Location information for our scattered site units is available at CMHA’s main office (the number and location of the single-family units are subject to change.)


How Long Can I Stay in an Asset Management unit?
In general, you may stay in an Asset Management unit as long as you comply with the lease.  If, at re-examination your family’s income is sufficient to obtain housing on the private market, CMHA may determine whether your family should stay in an Asset Management unit. You will not be required to move unless there is affordable housing available for you in your area.

How is Rent Determined?
Your rent, which is referred to as the Total Tenant Payment (TTP) in this program, would be based on your family’s anticipated gross annual income less deductions, if any. HUD regulations allow CMHA to exclude from annual income the following allowances:

  • Less other HUD approved deductions
  • Less other HUD approved exclusions

Based on your application, CMHA representative will determine if any of the allowable deductions should be subtracted from your annual income. Annual income is the anticipated total income from all sources received from the family head and spouse, and each additional member of the family 18 years of age or older. The formula used in determining the TTP is the highest of the following, rounded to the nearest dollar:

  • 30 percent of the monthly adjusted income. (Monthly Adjusted Income is annual income less deductions allowed by the regulations)
  • 10 percent of monthly income
  • $50 minimum rent

Are There Selection Preferences?
Sometimes there are. Giving preference to specific groups of families enables CMHA to direct their limited housing resources to the families with the greatest housing needs. Since the demand for housing assistance often exceeds the limited resources available to HUD and the local PHAs, long waiting periods are common. In fact, CMHA may close its waiting list when there are more families on the list than can be assisted in the near future.

CMHA has the discretion to establish preferences to reflect needs in its own community. These preferences will be included in CMHA’s Admission and Continued Occupancy Plan. You should ask what preferences they honor so you will know whether you qualify for a preference.

Important Telephone Numbers

Main Office 513- 732-6010
Main Office Fax Numbers 513-732-6520 or 513-732-0851
Routine Maintenance 513-734-7094
Emergency Maintenance (during regular business hours) 513-734-7094
Emergency Maintenance (after hours, weekends or holidays) 513-515-6666
Maintenance Office 513-734-3393


Calling for Routine or Emergency Work Order Requests
Your work order request gives CMHA permission to enter the dwelling unit during normal working hours to perform the necessary repairs.  CMHA will not make appointments to perform required maintenance.  Not permitting entry is a violation of the lease. Maintenance can enter the unit if no one is present, but they will not enter if only a minor child is home.  Should the resident have a pet, an adult must be present for the scheduled inspection or the resident must have the pet secured in an area away from the place(s) of the scheduled repairs.  If PHA staff enter the unit for a scheduled inspection and find the pet not secured, the scheduled inspection will not be completed at that time and the resident will be charged a service call for a return visit to complete the repair.

What is considered a maintenance emergency?
The following items are to be considered an emergency in nature and require correction within 24 hours by either CMHA or the Resident :

  1. Broken lock on entry door.
  2. Broken window with shattered glass.
  3. Plumbing leaks which have the capacity to create flooring or cause damage to the ceiling.
  4. Natural gas leaks or smell of fumes.
  5. No electric or situations which could result in shock or fire.
  6. Refrigerator inoperative.
  7. Toilet, if only one, is inoperative.
  8. Smoke alarm inoperative or malfunctioning.
  9. No heat.
  10. Lockout
  11. No hot water for 24 hours. (If on a weekend or holiday ).
  12. No refrigerator for 12 hours. (if on a weekend or holiday ).
  13. Vandalism
  14. Storm or fire damage.
  15. No air conditioning free resident with the medical emergency.


What is the residence cost for maintenance repairs?
There is no charge for routine maintenance service unless the resident or guest causes damage that requires repair work. The resident agrees to pay reasonable charges for repairs or damage to the interior and exterior of the dwelling unit.  The approved Materials and Labor Rate Schedule is posted on bulletin boards at the CMHA’s main office and at the Bethel Woods Community Center and Maintenance Shop.

For more information about this program, click on


Public Housing:

Verification of Need for Reasonable Accommodation

Notice of Intent to Vacate

FY 2023 Income Limits

PH Full Handbook

Non-Emergency Work Order Request: